Hi, this is just your friendly neighborhood blog welcome message.
This is a waste because we do live in a fabulous, beautiful city. Couple this with the fact that we just hit our 30's and I've been spending a lot of time thinking about getting old, and what that means, specifically for us.
The happy couple. ;)
We have been together for 16 years. We're not married, don't plan to be and we're happily childfree and don't want kids, maybe not even a house. (Maybe? Not sure...) I think about both of our parents at our age and what they were doing with their lives in their 30's. We live our lives like our 20-something friends do and that's okay, but the people around us, our other friends more our age, are busy doing grown up things. They are busy buying houses and making babies and going back to school for that second phd or whatever they're doing. That is of course fine - and really, good for them if it's the life they want, but it's just not for us.
So, our newer friends keep getting younger, I suppose because their lifestyles are closer to our own. Anyhow, I think we've been in a funk, maybe it's because it's been the usual craptastic Pittsburgh winter weather, but now it's starting to get nice out again, we even went for a walk to the park the other day in hoodies! So nice out!
We're both on a mission to lose weight and get healthy, and we both feel the need to get out and do stuff and things, and things...and stuff. So, this is where we will journal our fun times. I never used to take pictures, and I suck at scrapbooking with paper and glitter. So, here is our virtual scrapbook, enjoy. :)